A Much Better Idea
While looking though the exhibition guide to Sean Scully's show at Dartmouth's Hood Museum, I came up with a much better idea for the floating triptych failure I had put to the side in October. In reviewing the guide I had the same thought I had when I saw the show, it is interesting work but it would look much better in wood. I especially like his work with sets of stripes placed in perpendicular directions and with curly maple you have the added benefit of the figure being perpendicular to the stripes, giving you a multiple perpendicularity effect.
My biggest concern with gluing the sections together was in losing the live edges. Luckily, I was able to save one of them but the glue up was difficult and imperfect. I ended up having to route-out (i.e., use a router) the last strip of cherry and inlay a new, wider piece.
I like this one much better.
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