I have one more piece that was finished recently and photographed back in January but, because of a computer glitch, I just received the image. It was a real pain to work on. I revised the color combination at least three times, then, just as I thought I was nearing completion, I notice a large gap in one spot of epoxy that was too deep to fill with shellac. Consequently, I needed to sand down a section and reapplying shellac. It took another three tries to get the epoxy right an in between I attempted to build the shellac up before giving up and going back to the epoxy. In addition, I was working on a small section because I liked the colors of the rest of piece and I didn't want to mess them up, however, working on a small section of shellac is more difficult than working on a small one and that effort alone was very frustrating. At many points I knew I should have just given up and worked on something else. Then FINALLY, in December, almost a year after starting the piece (there were a number of large gaps in the time working on the piece during that period) I declared victory. The problem I'm faced with now, however, is that I've invested way too much time to justify selling it at my current price levels, so I've named it NFS (Not For Sale). If MoMA calls, I'll talk about selling it, otherwise, I'm happy to keep it in my own person collection.
Linda Mussmann’s Art Is a Labor of Love
13 hours ago